Monday, October 10, 2011

R(R)&R Weekend (Rejuvenating, Running & Reading)

Long time, no blog.  Don't worry though, im back! 

Green Juice <3

My body has been yelling at me lately for not drinking as much green juice as I should so that is how I started out my Friday morning.  Also, you can note my current obsession (aka Michael Kors watches and jewelry).

My green juice of choice that day:
- Spinach, Kale, Broccoli, a whole pear, ginger, carrots, celery and cucumber.  Delicious! 

I have been falling into a terrible pattern of drinking coffee lately instead of my greens.  Bad bunny.  I noticed a few people looking at my "green concoction" with a grossed out look while traveling on the Staten Island ferry.  I actually struck up a conversation with a girl reading "The China Study" (one of my favorites) and told her about the juice I was drinking.  She said that she has been wanting to change her diet for a long time and has read about so many different "no carb, low carb, high protein, south beach, cabbage soup", you name it, she tried it.  

I explained to my new found lady that she need not "diet" to live healthfully.  Once I explained the types of vegetables, grains, and whole natural foods I ate, I explained that restrictions become almost obsolete.  I asked her when the last time she heard of someone overdosing on a head of broccoli?  Diet's give the impression that it is temporary, I tried to discuss with her that making a life change towards healthier everyday choices, she was bound to see differences in her weight, mood, attitude, skin and internal health.  I gave her my email before parting and have already put her onto a few of my favorites such as Kris Carr, Gabrielle Bernstein, Michael Pollan and more.  I tried to give her healthy substitutions to some of her everyday favorites and regular comfort foods.  As a cook in previous years I let her know of some fantastic cookbooks, food blogs as well as my personal recipes that she has already enjoyed over the weekend.  

The number one aspect I think that people often forget about is how much what we eat can truly affect every aspect of our life and body.  Think about it, most of us eat 3 times a day 365 days a year (some of us eat more than 3x a day).  Thats at least 1,095 times a YEAR that you can influence how you feel.   Still not sold?  Think about this, the average person that lives to be 70 years old spends a minimum of 6 years and 10 months EATING!  How can we not correlate the affects of what we are putting into our body to how we look and feel? 

I spent my Sunday at one of my favorite places, the bookstore.  Barnes & Noble to be exact.  After grabbing my giant sized Green Tea, I went to my regular vegan cookbooks section where I found new inspiration for what to use my CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) veggies for!  Definitely going to make some squash soup this week with homemade Italian croutons!  Yes, I can hear you saying "YUM" right now, don't worry, I am too! 

I walked by a few aisles and who did I find by one of my fave ladies, Ms. Gabby Bernstein.  Her new book, "Spirit Junkie" is out now and I picked up a copy which I will start after my current read which is "The Beauty Detox Solution" by Kimberly Snyder. 

I have a 5K run coming up on the 15th of October, the Terry Fox Run for Cancer Research.  It is not too late to sign up, so if you live in the NY area or are close to Central Park, you should definitely sign up now.  What an amazing cause!  I have really been trying to hit the gym hard lately and just now starting to get back into my regular running routine.  This could be a sad showing on Saturday on my part, however a group of co-workers and I will make light of our running setbacks and realize that this cause is truly special.  

All in all I had an amazing weekend filled with many things that I adore.  New recipes and inspiration to come.

Don't forget to eat your veggies.

Lots of love,

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Vegan go-to Pantry (fridge) items

Happy rainy Tuesday (at least here in NYC), I hope you are all having a beautiful, calm and veggie filled afternoon.  In speaking to a couple of friends, they asked "well what items do you keep on hand?"  That is a terrific question, when I first went vegan I thought well what do I eat besides vegetables and fruits?

I have put together a list of some of my favorite pantry and fridge staple items that will help you put a delicious and healthy meal together in a snap!  I am also including a couple of packaged foods that will help you make smart decisions on the nights when you had a long day at work and do not feel like cooking.  Having these on hand will help you not dial in for pizza or Chinese takeout.  This in turn will prevent you from feeling like crud after!

I generally keep a few different kinds of raw nuts on hands.  RAW being the operative word.  Stay away from nuts that are salted, roasted, blanched etc.  The ones I keep on hand regularly are raw almonds, raw cashews and raw walnuts (hello omega 3's!)

Almonds are a great snack, I sometimes I add unsweetened cranberries or blueberries for a yummy snack.  Keep in mind not to go overboard on these, try to stay around a 1/4 cup or so.  Raw cashews are amazing for making sauces or dressings - and did I mention once you soak and blend these amazing little nuts you can make a scrumptious mac and "cheese".  YUM!  Walnuts are a fantastic source of omega-3's as I mentioned and also amp up a nice Sunday breakfast of banana pancakes, delicious! 

Whole Grains/Bread
Quinoa (this is the brand I use)
Quinoa is probably my favorite go-to grain.  You can purchase it just about anywhere and its delicious and satisfying.  I usually chop fresh garlic and onions and saute in a little bit of cold pressed extra virgin olive oil (I could pretty much just eat that on a slice of whole grain bread and call it a day).  At this point you can add a little cracked black pepper, a pinch of sea salt and whatever other spices /herbs you like.  Follow the package instructions, I usually use low sodium organic vegetable stock in place of the water, or you can go half and half to stretch a buck.  Once this comes to a boil add the quinoa, turn off the heat, and five minutes later you have dinner!  Once this cools slightly I like adding a squeeze of fresh lemon, chopped fresh carrots, zucchini and fresh parsley or basil (whatever you have usually works). 

Trader Joe's Whole Wheat Cous Cous
Whole Wheat Cous Cous I love this!  Cold, Hot, with veggies, without, its so yummy!  You could not ask for an easier dinner.  7-8 minutes start to finish and it is complete, add veggies and /or a salad and lunch or dinner is complete.  I usually do the same as the quinoa (saute in onions & garlic first).  I usually use this as a cold sidedish.  I chop up carrots, baby spinach, broccoli, zucchini, pea sprouts, tomatoes and then add lemon juice and a touch of olive oil, with seasoning to taste.  I add 1/4 cup-1/2 cup atop a nice leafy green salad to give it some heft.  You can just eat it warm right after cooking, tastes terrific both ways.

Some other standby grains are millet, brown rice etc., have fun with your choices and bring cooking back into you and your families lives.  There is no reason for takeout on a regular basis.  Especially when you can eat amazing food, which you can prepare fast, and even if you live on a tight budget.

Mmmm... beans are so under rated!  Natures wonderful little jewels are are super cheap, super delicious, super filling, packed full of fiber and nutrients that we all need to be healthy individuals.  One cup of cooked beans provides between 9-13 grams of fiber (go beans!).  This can help lower blood cholesterol which is something we should all be attentive to.  They are also high in protein (see you don't need meat for protein), complex carbohydrates, folate and iron!   

I keep canned and dried beans on hand.  The dried beans are actually really simple and easy to cook but for those nights where I do not even feel like taking a pot out, I use the canned ones.  

Trader Joe's Organic Black Beans
Here are a list of some faves:  organic black beans (canned & dry), organic red kidney beans (canned & dry), cannellini beans (canned & dry), garbonzo beans aka chick peas (canned & dry), adzuki beans (dry) and pigeon peas (dry) to name a few.

Now let's just be real frank here, you may be thinking, if I am eating beans all the time won't I be stinking up the room?  Can I eat them before my date Friday night?  YES - you can!  Many beans contain oligosaccharides which is a type of sugar molecule also found in cabbage.  An anti-oligosaccharide enzyme is necessary to properly digest these sugar molecules.  This often leads to the childhood saying "beans beans the magical fruit the more you eat the more you...".  Regardless, strategies for eliminating this gassy side affect include soaking beans in water for several hours before mixing them with other ingredients (which removes the offending sugars) or adding vinegar.  Only add the vinegar after cooking (as it interferes with the softening of the beans).   

I often use beans to add atop salads, alongside fresh veggies, to make hummus etc, the recipe ideas are truly limitless and can be transformed as vividly as your imagination will allow.


Ezekiel Cinnamon Raisin Bread

Ezekiel Sesame Bread
As far as breads go my favorite brand is Ezekiel.  My favorite for Sunday mornings is the Cinnamon Raisin variety (with a smear of organic peanut butter, cinnamon, sliced bananas and a sprinkling of of flax seeds).  DELICIOUS!  There is also a sesame seed variety that I love from Ezekiel.  You can eat it plain or get some Earth Balance butter (I will come back to this) to make delicious toast (if you feel you cannot live without "butter").  Ezekiel also makes sprouted grain tortillas that are delicious as well.  You can use these to make wraps or Mexican inspired dishes.   

Lundberg Organic Rice Cakes
I have always been a fan of rice cakes, and one of my favorites are by the brand Lundberg.  They make many different varieties, my favorite is the Brown Rice organic cakes.  They make a sesame tamari, flax seed with tamari and the list goes on.  I love these with peanut or almond butter, flax seeds and sliced bananas.  You will adapt my recipes to what suits your palette, I can only provide you with what I know and love.  I hope you not only enjoy my ideas, but share with me some of yours.
Organic Raw Blue Agave Nectar

Condiments / Extras
Organic Blue Agave Nectar is definitely a pantry staple you will want to keep on hand.  Use this where you would use honey.  I eat steel cut oats for breakfast with a pinch of cinnamon, a sprinkle of flax seeds (our omega-3 buddy) and a little agave nectar for sweetness (instead of honey or brown sugar).  If you are baking vegan recipes this sometimes replaces the sugar as well.  Since it dissolves faster than honey it is a great alternative if you need sweetener for iced tea in the summer.  Delicious.  If you want to read more about where agave is derived from, check it out here.

Nutritional Yeast
Arrowhead Mills Organic Popcorn

A fast growing favorite of mine is Red Star brand Nutritional Yeast.  This is widely used to replace cheese in recipes such as mac and "cheese" or salad dressings and sauces that you want a more creamy taste in.  The best way (I think) to use nutritional yeast is to sprinkle this on freshly popped popcorn.  I use Arrowhead mills brand but feel free to choose any organic local brand you can find.  I cook the kernels in 2 tbsp of oil on the stove, once popped I sprinkle with a few tablespoons (depending on how much I make) of nutritional yeast, cayenne pepper, black pepper, and sprinkle with fresh (or dried) chopped basil.  I guarantee you will love this, it is my all time favorite snack!

 Whole grain mustard is also a standby in my pantry and fridge.  I use this to put over grilled veggies or to make dressings.  My favorite homemade dressing includes cold pressed extra virgin olive oil, balsamic vinegar and whole grain mustard.  I also add a pinch of cayenne, sea salt, fresh ground pepper, and whatever dried herbs I feel like adding that day (rosemary, thyme etc).

Peanut/Almond Butter - yay for healthy yummy fats!  I have a few different brands that I rotate through as I like so many and they are so delicious.  Disclaimer warning:  if you buy the following you may have a hard time not eating the entire jar in one sitting.  Don't say I never warned you!

Justin's Chocolate Almond Butter

I love Justin's brand peanut and almond butters.  There are so many different varieties you will never get bored.  All organic.  Most all are vegan.  All delicious and addictive.  There is maple almond butter, peanut butter, chocolate peanut butter, chocolate almond butter.  My favorites are obviously the chocolate almond butter (which is my replacement for my beloved Nutella).  This stuff is a little pricey ($7-9 a jar) but if you really like it you can also order in bulk off of amazon!  It may not be something you eat everyday (or maybe it is) but its a decadent option to have in the pantry.  I figure, its better than diving for a piece of chocolate cake!

Smucker's Organic Peanut Butter

Smucker's Organic Peanut butter is a great option and most regular grocery stores carry this brand.  Just make sure whatever brand peanut butter you choose, that you buy one that is organic, and only has 1-2 ingredients.  Smucker's has one ingredient, peanuts.  Some contain sea salt as well which is fine, just shy away from brands that have preservatives and additional (unneeded) ingredients.  I always keep the 5 ingredient rule in mind when buying any packaged foods.  Choose ingredients you can pronounce and ones you want to consume.  I try shy away in general from preservatives.  If the food you are looking to purchase says "yellow number 7", think to yourself, what is yellow number 7?  Put it down, and step away from the package!

Frozen Foods
Generally I keep a few frozen staples on hand to put a meal together when time is limited.  I always keep organic corn, shelled edamame, spinach and pea pods in my freezer.  These are a fast and delicious addition to veggie stir frys, soups, salads, whole grains or whatever else you would like.  Try to stick with organic when you can.  If you cannot find organic, do not worry just do the best you can with what you have.  That is what I always try to do. 

Gluten Free Veggie Burgers

Veggie burgers are a good option from time to time (I just wouldn't use these as replacement for fresh vegetables on a regular occasion).  Dr. Praegers makes a delicious California Veggie Burger that tastes great on a slice of Ezekiel bread, sliced over a salad or just on its own with a little spicy mustard.  feel free to be more creative and suit them to fit your palette by adding lettuce, tomato and avocado.  Yummy! 

Ingredients:  Carrots, Onions, String Beans, Oat Bran, Soybeans, Zucchini, Peas, Broccoli, Corn, Soy Flakes, Spinach, Expeller Pressed Canola Oil, Red Peppers, Arrowroot, Cornstarch, Garlic, Cornmeal, Salt, Parsley and Black Pepper.

Granted, this does not fall within my 5 ingredient rule, however, none of these ingredients are ones I would avoid, so go for it!  You do not have to count calories living this lifestyle but for those calorie counting junkies out there, these are only 110 calories and 5 grams of fat.  Not too bad for a frozen dinner if you ask me!

I tend to keep a few different kind of vinegars in the pantry to make dressings, add to veggies for a little punch or whatever you decide.  I generally keep red wine vinegar, balsamic vinegar (I am Italian after all!) and apple cider vinegar.  I use the balsamic the most as I love the strong flavor on veggies.  Decide for yourself what tastes best to you and go from there. 

Non Dairy Milk
Blue Diamond brand Almond Milk
Almond Milk, Soy Milk, Hemp Milk and Rice milk are all feasible options.  I generally use almond milk to put on cereal, and any of these can be mixed to make veggie smoothies (I prefer the rice milk).  These are often used in baking or a nice cold glass can accompany a vegan brownie or cookie on those days when you really need some chocolate (what girl doesn't)!  There is original, vanilla and chocolate.  I stick to the original as it has the least amount of ingredients added.  The chocolate can be used to make a dessert smoothie with some fruit.  Frozen strawberries and chocolate almond milk = yummy!

Well, there you have it.  That is a small list of items I generally like to keep on hand for everyday meals.  Keep in mind these are additions to a major part of your diet which should be our best friends by now, vegetables (preferably raw when possible).  1/2 of my plate is generally filled with fresh organic green veggies, 1/4 contains a whole grain of some sort and generally 1/4 protein (soy, seitan or beans).  I tend to limit soy to a few times a month (if that) and try to stick to whole foods.  In regards to vegetables, if you must cook them, try lightly steaming them in a steaming rack over boiling water (for 2-3 minutes).  Directly boiling vegetables in water, releases most if not all the nutrients in the water, instead of in you!

Continue to put your best efforts forth, we all slip up but if you can eat 90% healthy, 90% of the time, reward yourself.  Get a facial.  Buy that new jacket you wanted.  Take an extra yoga class.  All in all, make time for you.  Love you.  

I ask that you post questions or comments on my blog and subscribe by email on the right side of the post.  I love answering questions and if there is a specific topic you would like me to write about, please let me know.

Until next time everyone, love your veggies and they will love your body back!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Crazy Sexy Women

On March 30th I attended the "Crazy Sexy Miracles" lecture at 208 West 13th Street, Room 301, New York City with my girl Leah.  The lecture was conducted by two amazing women, my favorite lady Kris Carr (adore) and Gabrielle Bernstein!

Kris Carr is a woman that I completely admire, respect and have so much adoration for.  First off she is sweet, funny and her skin is truly GLOWING when you see her in person.  She wasn't lying by saying cutting out the meat, dairy and crap gives you that illuminating "glow".  Not many adult women can pull off a pink streak in their hair, but she is anything other than average or ordinary.

Kris Carr & I

Amazing Book!
For those of you unfamiliar with Kris Carr, she was diagnosed with epithelioid hemangioendothelioma (EHE), a vascular cancer in the lining of the blood vessels in her liver and lungs so rare that only 0.01 percent of the cancer population has it.  The first doctor she sought out suggested a triple organ transplant.  That was not the path she chose to take, instead she healed her body through the foods she consumed (and the crap she didn't).  Being told that what she was doing was "radical", her response was "Broccoli isn't radical, surgery is radical".  I couldn't agree more.  Our diet is the only thing we can control, yet most people would choose surgery over a drastic change in diet, thinking it is a "quick fix".  Her book is really amazing and was the catalyst for me to change my life.  This is the "wellness bible" so to say.  She provides so much useful information that is not solely based upon her opinions.  There are so many credible references such as Dr. Mehmet Oz (known to most as Oprah's go-to doctor), Dean Ornish and many more.  

I highly suggest this book to anyone who wants to live a healthy life.  Incorporating green juice, fresh produce, alkaline rich and low acidic foods to your life will change the way you not only look, but the way you feel.  No diet pills, fad diets or calorie counting here, just fresh, natural, organic ingredients.  Kris turned Whole Foods into her pharmacy, what a wise woman she is.  I could go on about Kris and this book all day, but you should just read for yourself.  The best part is, the book is not kicked under your bed once you read it.  I have read it four times through already and I refer back to it on a weekly basis.  Get your own copy here!  I also suggest you subscribe to her blog on her website, which is crazy sexy amazing! 

Kris autographing "Crazy, Sexy Diet" book copies

Her documentary is something else I wholeheartedly recommend.  It is entitled "Crazy Sexy Cancer".  This former actress turned wellness guru takes you on a journey through her emotional and amazing battle of finding out she has cancer, and how she maintains power over cancer.  It is truly amazing whether you have cancer yourself, one of your loved ones is battling it, or if you really just want to see a brave and amazing woman.  Most "experts" told Kris she would be lucky to have a year to live.  That was 2003.  Her cancer is stable and this green juicing beautiful wellness goddess is living proof that today is the first day of the rest of our lives.  Do not wait for something like "cancer" (which she found out she had on VALENTINES DAY) be the catalyst to living your best life, choose today.  Be your own "wellness warrior".  Thank you Kris, for not only helping so very many cancer patients, but for helping me. 

Gabrielle Bernstein & I
 Gabrielle Bernstein - motivational speaker, life coach and author of "Add more ~ing to your life" was also a speaker at this lovely event.  This was the first time I had heard of Gabrielle and I was more than impressed.  She spoke about how miracles happen in our lives each day and we need to be open to these amazing opportunities.  What is holding you back?  A terrible boyfriend?  A poor diet?  Partying?  Low motivation?  Whatever you are allowing as "excuses" to not be your best you is the first step in living your most amazing life.  Eliminate the negative.  Start each day with prayer.  Do what makes you happy.  These simple things we often forget are the ones that are most important. 

Gabrielle & I again

Gabrielle's approach to healthy living (from the inside out) centers around simple philosophies which are easily incorporated into our everyday life.  You may be wondering what the "ing" means in the title of her book.  Think about all the "ing" activities you do on a daily basis:  dancing, laughing, singing, joking, smiling, caring.  Do you do these enough?  Do what Kris Carr does, everyday she dances around her apartment to at least one song.  I think this would be an amazing way to start the day.  I am willing to bet that we have all become a little "too serious" in our lives. 

A must read!
The end of the lecture was concluded with a few minutes dedicated to prayer (which is how both Kris & Gabrielle start their days - and myself).  What took me by surprise Gabrielle put on "Pray" by Justin Bieber.  Now before you laugh, just listen to the song.  It is actually a really beautiful song, and a perfect way to end this two hour session with this admirable and remarkable ladies.  If you want to read Gabrielle Bernstein's book (which I purchased a copy of that night),  get your copy here!  Gabrielle's website is so unique and adorable, I love checking our her daily vlogs and upcoming events.  

I will be posting more in the near future, highlighting more of the amazing work these women do, be sure to check out their websites and see if they may be coming to an area near you.  It is well worth your time.  I guarantee that.

Inspiration at its best
Before signing off tonight, let me leave you with one last "must have".  Kris Carr's TLC documentary "Crazy, Sexy Cancer" is a film that just might change your life.  This amazing woman who does not even know I exist has brought me to tears on more occasions than I would care to admit.  Sad tears.  Happy tears.  Inspired tears.  You can purchase a copy of her DVD on amazon for about as much money as it costs to either go to a movie in NYC or buy a McCrap meal from your local grease box food joint (and you will OWN this after)!  Pass the goodness, after you watch it, lend it to a friend so that they may experience the same positivity in their life as well.  If that is not enough, an adorable tidbit is that Kris found love with her now husband in the making of this film.  He filmed Crazy Sexy Cancer over the course of four years, and their love blossomed.  He was at the event I attended (eating a quinoa salad) and was just as sweet as Kris and Gabrielle.  The miracles just pour in when you allow them to.

If today is the best day of your life, then moving forward, may your worst day be no less than you experienced today.  

Eat well, be well.  Expect greatness in all aspects of life.


Transitional foods

The requests have been made, and I am here to answer. 

There are so many delicious and amazing recipes (including chocolate!) that will help you transition to your new plant based, vegan diet!  You will notice within a few weeks of eliminating meat & dairy that your palette will completely change.  Instead of craving foods loaded with trans fat and high fructose corn syrup, you will be chomping down on a delicious (vegan) brownies, or pawing through the fridge for a stalks of celery and carrot sticks!

Here is the first recipe I am sure you will enjoy...

Black Bean Brownies (yes, black bean brownies!)
Dense, fudge-y and ultra-healthy, these brownies are a great alternative to traditional brownies! It's amazing how they taste like chocolate and fudge and not beans! Chef's Notes: Rolled oats run through the food processor may substituted for the instant oats. Use optional sugar if your bananas are still green and not very ripe.

  • 15 ounces black beans, drained and rinsed
  • 2 whole bananas
  • cup agave nectar
  • ¼ cup unsweetened cocoa
  • 1 tbsp cinnamon
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • ¼ cup raw sugar (optional)
  • ¼ cup instant oats 

  • Preheat oven to 350 F and grease an 8x8’ pan. Set pan aside.
  • Mix everything except for the oats together in a food processor or vigorously by hand (if you have that kind of muscle). Make sure you scrape the sides to get everything totally mixed; you want a very well blended mixture.
  • Stir in the oats and pour the entire mixture into the greased pan.  Bake for approximately 30 minutes or until it passes the toothpick test.  Let them cool before serving.
If you think they’re too soft of fudgy, add another ¼ cup oats or flour. This makes 9 servings each serving only contains: 85 calories, 1g fat, 16g carbs, 4g protein (without optional sugar). Also, rolled oats run through the food processor may substitute for the instant oats. Use optional sugar if your bananas are still green and not very ripe.
    If you do not have time to make something sweet, and you feel you might be going for a refined sugar filled donut or iced coffee try a packaged alternative.  Here is my FAVORITE alternative to a regular brownie.  Although the caloric content is not next to nothing like a large part of my diet, a girl needs to splurge now and then!  

    Vegan Decadence Chocolate Brownie 
    Ingredients: Molasses, Organic Oat Flour, Chocolate Chips (molasses, unsweetened chocolate, nondairy cocoa butter, soy lecithin, pure vanilla), natural cocoa, grape juice, soy oil, pure vanilla, vegetable glycerin.  

    Granted, I generally stick to packaged foods with 5 ingredients or less (identifiable ingredients), but for those rare times you want a treat - try this!  When buying chocolate in general stick to those that have a cocoa content of 80% or higher!  Love love love dark chocolate :)

    Mmm.. brownie goodness!


    Sunday, March 27, 2011

    Obesity, The National Epidemic

    Sometimes being #1, is nothing to brag about.

    The United States is at the top for the highest percentage of obese women and men.  36% of women and 32% of men.  Take a minute to digest that, no pun intended.  We are setting the example for our children, and their children.  By feeding our children burgers & fries from fast food chains and replacing water with sugary soda and juices we are truly setting our loved ones for failure.  

    Why is an artichoke $3 and Burger King stacker $1 (whatever a stacker is, that does not sound appetizing)?  Why do we not ask why?

    For those of you who do not know, I have quite the commute to work each day.  A twenty minute bus ride, a half hour ride on the Staten Island ferry, followed by two trains totaling another half hour (or more).  This is NYC so I see a lot of crazy things, but the most daunting of all is the poor diet and lifestyle habits I view just on my commute to or from work.

    I understand that not everyone has the same mentality as I do right now. I thought for the past 6 years that I have been a vegetarian that I was really healthy.  Little did I know that I was not getting half the amount of vegetables and whole grains I should be.  I will show you some photos I took on the way to work in the morning over the past two weeks.  Keep in mind these are taken at 6am.

     So this child was eating a bag of sun-chips (at 6am) which I thought to myself how horrifying - chips for breakfast?  My mom used to give us oatmeal or toast and fruit.  Over her dead body would we be eating chips that's for sure.

    After the little boy finished that he ate two giant chocolate donuts.  Halfway into the second one you can see he was leaning on his father (my assumption).  He was moaning like he didn't feel well, probably from the massive amounts of sugar and garbage he just consumed before 7am.  His mom followed up with "you don't feel well because you
     didn't finish your breakfast".  WHATTTTTT?!?!?!? (I had a slight nervous breakdown)!  She hands him a chocolate milk and says "here drink this, you're probably just thirsty".  Needless to say the kid was lethargic the last 20 minutes of the boat ride and I can imagine he was in a sugar coma in school for most of the day.  How can his parents expect him to put his best foot forward, to be actively participating, attentive and succeed?

    The next gentleman I see almost every morning and each day he pulls something out of his backpack equally atrocious.  One morning a whole package of Oreos, another day a Big Mac (at 6am).  This day, he had a family sized bag of chips and a 2 liter of Coca Cola.  He sat there flipping through his comic book eating chips in a trance.  I don't even think he tasted them.  This saddened me.  Here he was this guy who was always really thoughtful, picking up a wallet one day and chasing down the woman who dropped it, giving his seat to elderly women.  I couldn't help but wonder, why can't he treat himself that great?  Doesn't he deserve to feel fantastic and treat himself in a similar manner? 

    I would like to stress the fact that I am far from perfect, very far but I am trying each and every day - that is what counts.  What bothers me most is when I see children eating pure garbage.  They don't have a choice.  I would let my child whine for weeks for candy, processed foods and snacks.  Eventually they would eat the nice meal I prepared for them.  More children each day are developing type 2 diabetes (typically an adult disease now becoming more prominent in children), sleep apnea, high cholesterol and shortness of breath.  What was once a worry for our parents is now for our children.  Between 16-33% of children and adolescents are obese.  The annual cost to society is $100 billion a year for obesity.  In the past three decades adolescents (12-19 years old) has more than tripled!  One thing is certain, we are doing something wrong. 

    "For example, one study found that approximately 80% of children who were overweight at age 10-15 were obese adults at age 25. Another study found that 25% of obese adults were overweight as children. The latter study also found that if overweight begins before age 8, obesity in adulthood is likely to be more severe". (check out more statistics here)

    We as parents, siblings, aunts, uncles, nephews, have the chance to influence our minors before it is too late.  Let's not pass our bad habits onto these innocent children.  

    That is my rant for the evening.

    Please remember though, we can make a difference.  Every single time we choose healthy food at the register, we are voting for a change.  If we do not buy it, eventually they will stop making it.  Simple supply and demand.  Let's demand a change, if not for us, then for our kids.

    Escaping the Western Diet

    I hope everyone is enjoying this fantastically beautiful afternoon we have all been graced with today!  It is a little windy, so throw on a coat and get outside.  I woke up feeling wonderful, had my delicious steel cut oats with flax seeds and cinnamon! YUM!  This will definitely keep my tummy full for quite a while.  

    Last night I was watching the "Food Inc" documentary (one of my favorites) and one of my top fave authors Michael Pollan spoke in the film.  His insight made me go back into his book "In Defense of Food" this morning.  This book is really enlightening and I highly suggest you check it out.  

    Most people are so incredibly confused through all the non-fat, low-fat, vegan, gluten free & heart healthy labels that we as Americans have no idea what TO eat anymore.  The short answer is put plain and simple by Michael Pollan:  "Eat Food.  Not too much.  Mostly Plants".  These three sentences and seven words have much more meaning than meets the eye.  First off, "Eat Food".  Yes FOOD, not the "food-like substances" we see in the grocery store that has been genetically modified, had nutrients sucked out then scientifically put back in again.  For all you "low-fat" and "no fat" obsessed people out there, let me tell you - you are eating worse than if you had the full fat food in the first place!  

                        "To make dairy products low fat, it's not enough to remove the fat.  You then have  to go to great   length to preserve the body or creamy texture by working in all kinds of food additives.  In the case of low-fat or skim milk, that usually means adding powdered milk.  But powdered milk contains oxidized cholesterol, which scientists believe is much worse for your arteries than ordinary cholesterol, so food makers sometimes compensate by adding antioxidants, further complicating what had been a simple one-ingredient whole food.  Also, removing the fat makes it that much harder for your body to absorb the fat-soluble vitamins that are one of the reasons to drink milk in the first place"  - Michael Pollan

    If you are feeling lost making choices in the grocery store here are some really helpful ideas adapted from myself, as well as Michael Pollan.

    1) Shop the peripheries of the supermarket and stay out of the middle 
    Many supermarkets are laid out in the same way where processed foods dominate the middle of the store and fresh and whole foods line the walls.  (Careful though, those scary processed yogurts with high fructose corn syrup are hiding nicely in the same area as our friends Mr. Broccoli and Mrs. Zucchini)! 

    2) Get out of the supermarket whenever possible
    You will never find high fructose corn syrup or elaborately processed foods at a farmers market, this takes the question mark out of the equation.  Also, no lists of unpronounceable ingredients, health claims, microwaveable and best of all no old food from far away!

    CSA (Community Supported Agriculture)  (check it out) its a great option which my fellow vegan girl Leah and I will be taking part in.  Becoming increasingly popular, CSA involves subscribing to a farm where you receive a weekly box of produce.  Always fresh, organic, and in season this veggies will be different depending on the month which means you can be creative with your "veggie gift" each week.  Looking at new recipes, or creating your own.  Remember, local produce is typically picked ripe and is much more fresh than supermarket produce.  

    3) Mostly Plants (What to eat)
    As long as you manage to eat "food" most of the time, whatever it is, you will most likely be okay.  We can truly nourish ourselves from a wide variety of food (so long as they are food).  There are many ways to combine foods, so eat mostly plants, especially leaves.  It is arguable whether it is the omega-3's, antioxidants or fiber that make them truly wonder foods, irregardless nutrition experts unanimously agree they serve an irreplaceable health benefit.

    4) You are what what you eat eats too
    That is, the diet of the animals people eat bearing on the nutritional quality and healthfulness of food in and of itself.  The animals Americans eat no longer eat the grass they were initially intended to.  The rule about eating more leaves and fewer seeds applies not only to us, but the animals in our food chain.  Or you can eliminate meat and dairy all together.

    5) Eat more traditional food based upon your culture
    Even though French and Italians have a higher fat, carbohydrate and alcohol intake than you would think, people who eat according to the rules of a traditional food culture are generally healthier people.  Unlike most Americans who are adhering to the Western Diet.   

    There are many more ideas that you can make your own, such as trying to eat the foods that your great great grandmother may have eaten.  Not to say all the same, but chances are if she were still with me today, I doubt she would know what a go-gurt yogurt in a tube was (high fructose corn syrup + other garbage).  

    That is all I will touch on for now.  I hope you all are having a truly amazing day.

    Eat well & be happy everyone! 

    Thursday, March 24, 2011

    Learn to Love your Omega 3's!

    It has been awhile since I have posted on here, although I have steadfastly been continuing my vegan journey along with ensuring I am obtaining all the proper nutrients along the way.  Anyone else following this same path should know, you are doing an amazing thing for our planet, our furry (and non-furry) friends, not to mention, YOURSELF.  Did you ever stop to wonder why it is okay to eat a pig or cow but not a dog or cat?  That is another topic, for another day.

    As you venture into your new delicious and exciting life of fresh organic fruits, veggies and whole grains I am sure you are already feeling (and looking) fantastic!  Do you have that "glow" yet?  Don't worry, you will.  Let's talk fun - let's talk Omega 3's.  Most meat eating people get omega 3's from seafood (especially salmon).  As a vegan or vegetarian you need to ensure that you are eating lots of flaxseeds, hemp oil as well as walnuts.  People often supplement themselves silly which is only peddling themselves backwards.  If you are not cutting out processed foods then you are truly doing yourself a disservice.  Why you ask?  Processed foods have many Omega 6's and most American's in correlation with their heavily processed diets have a 10:1 ratio (some individuals as high as 30:1) of Omega 6 to Omega 3 fatty acids! 

    To break it down in layman's terms, Omega 3's are UNsaturated fatty acids, Omega 6's are saturated fatty acids.  Omega 3's when consumed in fairly high quantities have been known to reduce the risk for coronary heart disease, reduce triglycerides, heart rate and blood pressure.  While on the flipside, Omega 6's are linked to strokes, arthritis, osteoporosis, cancer, mood disorders, obesity and cancer.  Long story short, let's hang our with our Omega 3s more and try to create some distance with Mr. Omega 6!

    One of my favorite breakfasts (which is high in our buddy Omega 3) is as follows:

    - Steel cut oats (NOT the quick cooking oats)
    - Cinnamon
    - Agave Nectar (Natural Sweetner)
    - Flaxseeds

    Cook the oats on the stovetop or microwave (use caution with the microwave as the oats expand with water).  Keep opening the microwave every 20 seconds (to avoid an oatmeal covered microwave) to stir until they are at the consistency you like.  They are a little chewy and so delicious.  Add cinnamon, a handful of flaxseeds, and agave to taste.  Delicious, healthy and full of delicious Omega 3's - Enjoy!

    No matter where you are in your food journey I hope you at least are beginning to question "where" the food you are eating comes from.  We have a right to know!  Do not just eat without care, pose questions, read labels, do your research.  If you are going to eat meat, find the best quality organic type you can afford.  Try to eliminate or at least decrease processed foods and sugars.  Oftentimes if we don't feel our best we pop pills, take a nap, go to the doctor... did you ever think that something you do 3+ times a day, 365 days a year plays the lead role in the movie called "our life".  Well it does.  There are many aspects we cannot control such as hereditary disease, genetics etc, the one thing we can control is the foods we consume on a daily basis.

    Please eat well everyone, and if you have some extra time on your hands check out my current read from one of my favorite authors (its amazing)!

    Sunday, February 27, 2011

    You are what you eat

    As you may or may not know, I have been living a Vegetarian lifestyle over the past 5+ years.  The realm of "why" often transcends far beyond the term vegetarian in and of itself.  What we digest is a small segment of the pie chart of wellness.  Being healthy is not limited solely to what we eat, yet a reflection of our emotional and mental health, fitness level as well as our overall lifestyle.  

    I have become extremely passionate and dedicated over the years as to learning as much as possible about nutrition and wellness. Did you know the number of overweight people in the US is projected to hit 2.3 billion by the year 2015? Yes, BILLION!  When I hear shocking calculations such as this, I often wonder - well, whose fault is this?  Fast food corporations?  Ourselves?

    There is an obvious problem plaguing Americans as this was never an issue looking back at our lineage.  Our selfish, overindulgent nation has now made obesity the fastest killer of our children, parents and grandparents.  We have replaced children playing outside in the fresh air with video games and television shows.  Am I being hypocritical sitting here in front of this computer screen?  Possibly.  How many of you eat dinner with your family?  Does anyone do this anymore?  I cannot help but wonder why Americans have slowly transitioned from home cooked family meals to balancing takeout burgers and fries in our laps while watching ESPN and American Idol.      

    We can blatantly criticize smokers, yet speaking up to someone shoveling down a big mac, fries and a sugary beverage large enough to serve four people is unacceptable.  What am I missing here?  A friend of mine from work, Leah has helped me to realize that even I can do better.  Cutting out meat is not enough.  I need to take it to another level, maybe this blog will help me be accountable to my own goals.  

    The time has come to transition into a vegan lifestyle.  The changes do not stop there; limiting high-glycemic fruits and veggies, eliminating processed foods and refined sugar is a necessity.  Making a conscious effort to incorporate juicing into my lifestyle and eating as cleanly as possible is my goal.  I want to know exactly what and where the food and drinks I am putting into my body come from. 

    Some fantastic top alkaline food choices:
    Brazil Nuts
    Lentils (a personal fave)
    Raw tomatoes (cooked are acidic)
    Sweet potatoes
    Stevia (sugar substitute)

    Acidid Offenders, these should be avoided or used in moderation
    Animal protein (red meat, poultry, fish, eggs, milk and cheese)
    Coffee (even decaf)
    Corn syrup
    Brown sugar
    Fake fats
    Trans fats
    Refined vegetable oil
    White bread
    Energy / Sports drinks
    Table salt (use sea salt and kosher salt when possible)
    Salted / Roasted nuts
    White sugar
    Soy sauce 
    After naming all of these foods you should avoid altogether or use in moderation (coffee has been the most difficult for me) I do not want you to feel defeated.  One of the common problems people have is thinking a salad is automatically healthy.  Sometimes after piling on cheese, eggs, bacon, croutons and dreaded creamy dressings, you may as well ask for a supersized number seven on the menu at Mcdonalds.  

    Here is a roasted tomato vinaigrette I recently tried from Kris Carr's book "Crazy Sexy Diet" that can be used on roasted vegetables as well as over grains and salads.  It is DELICIOUS!

    4 Roma tomatoes (halved)
    1 1/4 cupts plus 1 tablespoon olive oil (I prefer extra virgin)
    1/2 teaspoon sea salt
    freshly ground black pepper (to taste)
    1/2 cup red wine vinegar
    1 teaspoon red pepper flakes (I add a pinch of cayenne pepper as well)
    2 cloves garlic, minced 
    2 tablespoons chopped fresh cilantro

    Preheat the over to 400 degrees.

    Toss the tomatoes with 1 tablespoon EVOO (extra virgin olive oil), along with the salt and pepper.  Place the tomatoes on a baking sheet, cut-side down, and roast for 20-25 minutes, until the skin blisters.  Set aside to cool.

    Transfer the tomatoes, remaining 1 1/4 cups olive oil, vinegar, red pepper flakes, garlic, cilantro, and salt and pepper to a blender (I use my magic bullet) and blend until smooth.  Taste and adjust the seasonings.  The vinaigrette will keep, covered, in the refridgerator for about a week.

    Variation:  For a Spicy Southwestern-Style Roasted vinaigrette, add 4 rehydrated chipotles to the tomatoes before blending. 

    Being knowledgeable and conscious of the foods you are eating is not only empowering, but healing.  The next time you are sick, try making a homemade soup full of grains, vegetables and beans.  Oftentimes you do not need medicine, you can heal through food.  Ever get that lethargic feeling after lunch?  Try chewing slower and actually digesting your next meal, I promise incorporating fresh fruits and vegetables will not only give you a boost of energy, you undoubtedly will lose weight and feel amazing.  Imagine that!

    Be well & eat well